使用 Javascript 和 WebGL 的艺术生成器


这让我想到了如何使用 WebGL 来制作类似于梵高的《星夜》的艺术效果。我创造的是类似的东西,如果你愿意,它可以很好地转化为液体。


步骤 1. Three.JS#

Three.js 是一个 Javascript 库,可让您轻松创建 WebGL 3d 对象。为了实现我们的效果,我们将遵循几个关键步骤:

  • 1.用Three.JS创建几何体(形状)
  • 2.将其渲染到 HTML5 画布上
  • 3.将这个几何数据传递给着色器
  • 4.使用 Javascript制作动画
  • 5.使用着色器操纵几何体

因此,考虑到这一点,让我们看一下我们的 Javascript 片段,它涵盖了前 3 点。

    // Please view github or codepen demo for entire code
    const noise = await loader('./shaders/noise.glsl');
    const fragment = await loader('./shaders/fragment.glsl');
    const vertex = await loader('./shaders/vertex.glsl');

    const renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({
        powerPreference: "high-performance",
        antialias: true, 
        alpha: true,
        canvas: canvas // canvas is the Id for our HTML5 canvas. Remove this line and Three will auto create a canvas.
    // Get el width and height
    let elWidth = window.innerWidth;
    let elHeight = window.innerHeight
    // Set sizes and set scene/camera
    renderer.setSize( elWidth, elHeight );
    document.body.appendChild( renderer.domElement )
    renderer.setPixelRatio( elWidth/elHeight );
    const scene = new THREE.Scene();
    const camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera( 75, elWidth / elHeight, 0.1, 1000 );
    let i = 2;
    // Check on colors to use
    let high = config.colors[i].high; 
    let low = config.colors[i].low;

    // Create a plane, and pass that through to our shaders
    let geometry = new THREE.PlaneGeometry(600, 600, 100, 100);
    let material = new THREE.ShaderMaterial({
        uniforms: {
            // All of these variables are passed to our shaders
            // which are then passed to the GPU
            u_lowColor: {type: 'v3', value: low },
            u_highColor: {type: 'v3', value: high },
            u_time: {type: 'f', value: 0},
            u_resolution: {type: 'v2', value: new THREE.Vector2(elWidth, elHeight) },
            u_mouse: {type: 'v2', value: new THREE.Vector2(0, 0) },
            u_height: {type: 'f', value: 1},
            u_manipulate: {type: 'f', value: 1 },
            u_veinDefinition: {type: 'f', value: 20 },
            u_goCrazy: { type: 't', value: 1 },
            u_inputTexture: {type: 't', value: lion},
            u_scale: {type: 'f', value: 0.85 },
            u_clickLength: { type: 'f', value: 1},
            u_rand: { type: 'f', value: randomInteger(0, 10) },
            u_rand: {type: 'f', value: new THREE.Vector2(randomInteger(6, 10), randomInteger(8, 10)) }
        fragmentShader: noise + fragment,
        vertexShader: noise + vertex,
    // Create the mesh and position appropriately
    let mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);
    mesh.position.set(0, 0, -300);

    // This function when run will animate the renderer
    // Meaning for every animation frame the 3d model
    // will be rerendered onto the canvas.
    const animate = function () {
        requestAnimationFrame( animate );
        renderer.render( scene, camera );
        mesh.material.uniforms.u_time.value = t;
        if(t < 10 && backtrack == false) {
            t = t + 0.005;
        } else {
            backtrack = true;
            t = t - 0.005;
            if(t < 0) {
                backtrack = false;


  • uniforms: {} 中的统一变量直接传递给我们将要编写的着色器代码。当我们更新这些时,它将允许我们实时更新我们的 3d 对象。
  • 着色器位置在 ShaderMaterial() 函数中提到
  • 然后我们请求一个动画帧来重新渲染 3d 对象。注意在 animate() 函数中我们增加了 t(时间)和 uniform 变量,创建了动画

步骤 2. 着色器#


对于本教程,我们的主要重点是片段着色器。我们将使用噪声来产生液体效果,我们将使用的特定噪声称为分形布朗噪声 (FBM)。FBM 产生的噪声示例如下所示:

别担心,您不需要知道如何创建这些噪音效果,事实上,您已经获得了奥斯卡奖。这些噪声函数的完整代码可在线获取,您可以在文件shaders/夹中的 GitHub Repo 中找到它们。


// Main function
void main() {
    // We have to adjust the effect to fit our resolution.
    // Heavily modified FBM function from https://thebookofshaders.com/13/
    vec2 res = (gl_FragCoord.xy + 100.) / (u_resolution.xy * u_scale);
    // Next lets get our colors
    vec3 highColor = rgb(u_highColor.r, u_highColor.g, u_highColor.b);
    vec3 lowColor = rgb(u_lowColor.r, u_lowColor.g, u_lowColor.b);
    // Set a random color
    vec3 color = vec3(23.0);

    // This is a randomised function based on fbm and some other variables
    // that we can adjust in our Javascript
    vec2 fbm1 = vec2(10.);
    fbm1.x = fbm( res + 0.05 * u_time) * snoise(res) * u_goCrazy;
    fbm1.y = fbm( res + vec2(3.0)) / (u_manipulate - snoise(res)) * 9. * u_goCrazy / u_veinDefinition * u_clickLength * 5.;

    // Next we adjust it all based on mouse position, time, and qfbm1
    vec2 r = vec2(0.);
    r.x = fbm( res + fbm1 * u_time * 0.1 ) + -sin(u_mouse.x) + 600.;
    r.y = fbm( res + fbm1 * u_time * 0.5 ) * -u_mouse.y;

    // And create a float of fbm, for use in the final color
    float f = fbm(res+r) * 1.;

    // Then we mix all our colors together
    color = mix(highColor*2., lowColor, f*3.);
    color = mix(color, lowColor, clamp(length(fbm1),0.0,2.0)); // * snoise(st) * 51.9
    color = mix(color, highColor, clamp(length(r.y),0.0,3.0));

    // And output them for render
    gl_FragColor = vec4((f*f*f*0.9*f*f+.5*f)*color,1.);


我们的统一变量都在片段着色器的顶部定义,但没有在上面列出。它们列在表格中uniform float u_variableName;

步骤 3. 事件监听器#


这可能是最直接的 vanilla JS 部分。在大多数情况下,我们只是通过我们之前定义的网格更新统一变量 – mesh.material.uniforms...。当这些更新时,我们的animate()函数会在我们的 HTML5 画布中重新呈现新对象,因此我们的光标位置和与画布的交互会对 WebGL 代码产生实时影响。

    /* event listeners */
    document.getElementById('range').addEventListener('input', function(e) {
        // Update 'range' selector
        mesh.material.uniforms.u_manipulate.value = this.value;
    document.getElementById('veins').addEventListener('input', function(e) {
        // Update 'veins' selector
        mesh.material.uniforms.u_veinDefinition.value = this.value;
    document.getElementById('crazy').addEventListener('input', function(e) {
        // Update 'crazy' selector
        mesh.material.uniforms.u_goCrazy.value = this.value;

    document.querySelectorAll('.color').forEach(function(item) {
        // Selector a color
        item.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
            let i = parseFloat(this.getAttribute('data-id'));
            mesh.material.uniforms.u_highColor.value = config.colors[i].high;
            mesh.material.uniforms.u_lowColor.value = config.colors[i].low;

    // Variables to track settings
    let reduceVector;
    let increasePressure;
    let reducePressure;
    let prevX = 0;
    let prevY = 0;
    let curValueX = 0;
    let curValueY = 0;
    let mouseEnterX = 0;
    let mouseEnterY = 0;

    // On move effect
    document.body.addEventListener('pointermove', function(e) {
        if(typeof reduceVector !== "undefined") {
            curValueX = 0;
            curValueY = 0;
        let mouseMoveX = mouseEnterX - e.pageX;
        let mouseMoveY = mouseEnterY - e.pageY;
        mesh.material.uniforms.u_mouse.value = new THREE.Vector2(prevX + (mouseMoveX / elWidth), prevY + (mouseMoveY / elHeight));
    // Animations on pointerdown and pointerup, using setInterval 60fps
    document.getElementById('canvas').addEventListener('pointerdown', function(e) {
        if(typeof reducePressure !== "undefined") clearInterval(reducePressure);
        increasePressure = setInterval(function() {
            if(mesh.material.uniforms.u_clickLength.value < 3) {
                mesh.material.uniforms.u_clickLength.value += 0.03;
    document.getElementById('canvas').addEventListener('pointerup', function(e) {
        if(typeof increasePressure !== "undefined") clearInterval(increasePressure);
        reducePressure = setInterval(function() {
            if(mesh.material.uniforms.u_clickLength.value > 1) {
                mesh.material.uniforms.u_clickLength.value -= 0.03;


我们完成了。之后,我们将拥有创建效果所需的大部分组件。感谢阅读 – 您可以找到包括以下效果的完整代码在内的资源: