这篇文章是关于在 C++ 中使用数组实现堆栈的。
Stack 是一种有序的数据结构,用于以LIFO(后进先出)顺序存储数据类型。这
数据类型,简称 ADT),其中插入和删除都在同一端完成,即
Type_t = 任何数据类型
Push(Type_t data):将数据类型 Type_t 的数据插入堆栈
Type_t Pop():从堆栈中移除最顶部的元素并返回
type_t top():返回最顶层元素
bool isEmpty():如果堆栈为空,则返回 true,否则返回 false
bool isFull():如果堆栈已满,则返回 true,否则返回 false
int size():返回堆栈的大小
1, 2, 3, 4
在 C++ 中使用数组实现堆栈
1. top 变量
2. 一个数组,即stack_array
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define MAX_SIZE 1024 //declare our pre-reuisites int stack_array[MAX_SIZE]; //globally declared array to act like stack int top=-1; //top variavle initialized to -1 for empty stack //implement stack operations //1. implement isEmpty() bool isEmpty(){ if(top==-1) //empty stack return true; else return false; } //2. Implement isFull() bool isFull(){ if(top==MAX_SIZE-1) return true; else return false; } //3. Implement push operation void push(int data){ if(isFull()){ cout<<"Stack is full\n"; return; } else{ stack_array[++top]=data;//first top is increased by 1 and then stack[top]=data cout<<data<<" is pushed\n"; } } //4. Implement Pop operation int pop(){ if(isEmpty()){ cout<<"Stack is empty\n"; return INT_MIN; } else{ return stack_array[top--]; //top is decreased after popping } } //5. implement size function int size(){ return top+1; } //6. implement top int top_stack(){ if(isEmpty()){ cout<<"stack is empty\n"; return INT_MIN; } else return stack_array[top]; } //main function int main(){ //menu for operations //press 1 for push (with data) //press 2 for pop() //press 3 for top() //press 4 for size() //press 0 to exit() cout<<"press 1 for push\n"; cout<<"press 2 for pop()\n"; cout<<"press 3 for top()\n"; cout<<"press 4 for size()\n"; cout<<"press 0 for exit\n"; int choice; cout<<"press your choice\n"; cin>>choice; while(choice){ if(choice==1){ int data; cout<<"Enter element\n"; cin>>data; push(data); } else if(choice==2){ int item=pop(); if(item==INT_MIN){} else cout<<"Popped element: "<<item<<endl; } else if(choice==3){ int item=top_stack(); if(item==INT_MIN){} else cout<<"Top element: "<<item<<endl; } else if(choice==4){ cout<<"Size is: "<<size()<<endl; } else cout<<"Invalid number, try again!\n"; cout<<"press your choice\n"; cin>>choice; } cout<<"Exiting...\n"; return 0; }
press 1 for push press 2 for pop() press 3 for top() press 4 for size() press 0 for exit press your choice 1 Enter element 2 2 is pushed press your choice 1 Enter element 5 5 is pushed press your choice 3 Top element: 5 press your choice 4 Size is: 2 press your choice 1 Enter element 3 3 is pushed press your choice 2 Popped element: 3 press your choice 2 Popped element: 5 press your choice 2 Popped element: 2 press your choice 2 Stack is empty press your choice 2 Stack is empty press your choice 0 Exiting…
这就是在 C++ 中使用数组实现 Stack 的全部内容。